苹果要涨价川普怒喷:你回来啊! 评论:对经济学的无知

973270 9月9日
智通编选 挖掘最有价值的港股热点信息,捕捉最有魅力的资本市场动向。

本文来源于“国际投行研究报告”微信公众号,作者“凌通社”。原标题《毛衣战后苹果要涨价:iPhone Xs Max超1000美元12日发布 川普愤怒苹果:你回来啊! 评论:对经济学的无知》。


而今年更不一样的是,随着毛衣战的进程,苹果发布日常报告表示如果关税问题无法解决,那么苹果只能对涉及到的产品Apple Watch,AirPods和Apple Pencil涨价,其实这也符合小编一直的预期,不涨价怎么办呢,虽然川普很快怼回去,说你可以回来美国生产啊,但苹果手机真的不是牛仔裤那么简单,要把产业链挪回去哪里这么容易,有人计算,假如苹果在美国生产,手机价格可能涨到2400美元。

邀请函已经发出12日见 Phone Xs Max 可能超过1000美元



苹果还可能推出新的12.9英寸和11英寸iPad Pro平板电脑。预计Apple Watch Series 4也将亮相


iPhone一直是Apple九月产品展示的亮点,但Apple可能会宣布推出全新的Apple Watch,新版本的iPad Pro等等。


三款iPhone,包括iPhone Xs和iPhone Xs Max

苹果公司首席分析师Ming-Chi Kuo在2017年11月表示苹果将在今年发布三款新iPhone,随后在整个2018年发布的报告显示他将是正确的。

据报道,苹果将推出配备相同尺寸5.8英寸显示屏的iPhone X的继任者,更大的型号配备6.5英寸屏幕,第三款更实惠的iPhone配备6.1英寸LCD显示屏。 Kuo表示,5.8英寸和6.5英寸型号将使用更昂贵和更多彩的OLED面板,如iPhone X. Kuo表示,手机还将采用新的L形电池,相当于延长电池续航时间。


命名可能会有所改变。根据9to5Mac的说法,苹果公司将把iPhone X的后继产品称为“iPhone Xs”,并将更大的型号称为“iPhone Xs Max”,这意味着它将放弃自iPhone 6以来用于其大型iPhone的“Plus”的Plus标记。

据报道,Kuo还表示Apple将在iPhone Xs和iPhone Xs Max中提供高达512GB的存储空间 - 是现有iPhone提供的两倍 - 不锈钢镜架,Apple新款A12处理器,用于肖像照片的双1200万像素摄像头和三种颜色选项(黑色,白色和金色)。 Kuo表示,iPhone Xs的起价为800美元,而iPhone Xs Max的起价为900美元。这些手机预计将于9月发货。

根据Kuo的说法,配备6.1英寸屏幕的低成本LCD型号 - 没有已知名称 - 起价为600美元。据报道,它将在Apple更昂贵的iPhone中加入相同的A12处理器,但存储选项更少,RAM更少,单个1200万像素摄像头,更低分辨率的屏幕和更小的电池。据说它有五种颜色可供选择,包括灰色,红色,白色,蓝色和橙色。

根据Kuo的说法,所有三款iPhone都将拥有Face ID,这意味着你可以通过查看iPhone而不是使用指纹和主页按钮来解锁iPhone。

高盛:承认错误 目标价格从每股200美元上调至每股240美元



高盛分析师罗德·霍尔在一份报告中表示,“我们也借此机会在今年夏天采取谨慎立场的态度。” “我们原本预计iPhone X的需求会有所下降,股价也会有所回落 - 显然这两件事都没有发生。”


高盛估计,苹果将以849美元的价格定价iPhone 9,而不是有人推测的699美元。该公司认为iPhone 9产品的“弹性降至800美元”,但怀疑苹果将在过去几个月的iPhone X需求超过预期之后“降低价格点”。




“由于我们可能对中国施加的巨额关税,苹果价格可能会上涨 ,但是有一个简单的解决方案,那里会有零税,实际上是税收激励。 让您的产品在美国而不是中国。 现在开始建造新工厂。令人兴奋! ”



Earlier this week, Apple said in a regulatory filing that the president's proposed $200 billion in fresh tariffs on China would cover "a wide range of Apple products," from its Mac Mini computer to cables, chargers and laptop cases. "Our concern with these tariffs is that the U.S. will be hardest hit, and that will result in lower U.S. growth and competitiveness and higher prices for U.S. consumers," the company said.

Since then, though, Trump has threatened an additional $267 billion of tariffs on China, a move revealed Friday that could cover virtually all Chinese-made goods entering the United States.

The tariffs are top of mind for Apple chief executive Tim Cook, who has personally lobbied Trump for months on issues of taxes and trade, even dining with the president and first lady Melania Trump at Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey, last month. Cook's personal diplomacy stands in stark contrast to some of his peers in the tech industry, who haven't engaged Trump directly - and often are on the receiving end of far more aggressive tweets attacking their business practices.

Apple, like other tech giants, has benefited from the last year's overhaul to the U.S. tax code, and the company has committed to returning much of the $252 billion in cash it held abroad. In January, the company also announced its "direct contribution" to the U.S. economy through investments and other spending would exceed $350 billion over the next five years, while it would establish a new Apple campus to house technical support for customers. Some components for Apple products, including glass from manufacturers like Corning, are made in the United States, the company has said.

Trump previously has claimed that Apple is building new plants in the United States, but the iPhone maker has not announced any such plans.

本周早些时候,苹果公司在一份监管文件中表示,总统提出的2000亿美元中国新关税将涵盖“从各种各样的苹果产品”,从Mac Mini电脑到电缆,充电器和笔记本电脑外壳。 “我们对这些关税的担忧是,美国将受到最严重的打击,这将导致美国经济增长和竞争力下降以及美国消费者的价格上涨,”该公司表示。


对于苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克来说,关税是首要考虑因素,他曾在税务和贸易问题上亲自游说特朗普,甚至在上个月在新泽西州贝德明斯特的特朗普国家高尔夫球场与总统和第一夫人梅拉尼娅特朗普一起用餐。 。库克的个人外交与科技行业的一些同行形成了鲜明的对比,他们没有直接参与特朗普 - 并且经常接受更加激进的推文来攻击他们的商业行为。



说Apple在这里建立一个iPhone工厂。 嗯不错。 劳动力和材料成本因素,iPhone的价格将跃升至2500-4000美元/每台。 美国人愿意支付吗?



On Friday, Apple announced that in response to the $200 billion in tariffs that the Trump administration plans to slap on Chinese goods, the company will raise prices on a number of products, including the Apple Watch, AirPods and Apple Pencil.

“Our concerns with these tariffs is that the U.S. will be the hardest hit, and that will result in lower U.S. growth and competitiveness and higher prices for U.S. consumers,” the company said in a letter to the U.S. trade representative. “Tariffs increase the cost of our U.S. operations, divert our resources, and disadvantage Apple compared to foreign competitors. More broadly, tariffs will lead to higher U.S. consumer prices, lower overall U.S. economic growth, and other unintended economic consequences. As a result, tariffs will ultimately reduce the economic benefit we provide to the United States.”

“Apple prices may increase because of the massive Tariffs we may be imposing on China – but there is an easy solution where there would be ZERO tax, and indeed a tax incentive,” Trump tweeted. “Make your products in the United States instead of China. Start building new plants now. Exciting! #MAGA”

In fact, a number of components Apple uses for its products are already made in the United States, before being shipped to China and assembled at Chinese factories.

“It’s not true that the iPhone is not made in the United States,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in March. “We have always made the parts here. People just look at where the final product is assembled.”

The reason it makes economic sense for Apple to assemble its products in China is because workers there are paid much less than they would be in the United States. As of 2016, workers at the Pegatron iPhone factory in China reportedly made as little as less than $5 per hour. The federal minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25.

So if Apple were to seriously entertain Trump’s proposal, the company would have to reckon with a massive increase in the cost of manufacturing its products. That cost increase would make Apple less competitive with other gadget manufactures, while increasing costs for American consumers.

Trump’s trade war has already created inflationary pressures. As Business Insider detailed, the price of consumer applications shot up after Trump announced tariffs on washing machines in January, and many other examples since then could be cited:

Since the Commerce Department’s recommendation to impose steel tariffs came on February 16, the price of steel has soared. According to CME Group, the cost of US Midwest Domestic Hot-Rolled Coil Steel — a proxy for domestic steel prices — jumped from $694 just before the recommendation to $907 on Thursday, a 30% increase…

Canadian lumber tariffs were first imposed in April 2017, with additional rounds coming later in the year. The price of lumber used in housing has jumped and is starting to filter down to homebuyers. The National Association of Home Builders, the largest US industry group, warned in April that these tariffs were putting a cost squeeze on builders and making new homes pricier.

Despite Trump’s repeated boasts about how America is currently enjoying the alleged “greatest economy in the history of our country,” wage growth didn’t keep up with inflation over a one-year period ending in August.

When he’s not making overly simplistic suggestions to American companies negatively impacted by his tariffs, Trump has literally begged them to do what he wants. During a speech in June, Trump — who loves to brag about his deal-making skills — shamelessly pleaded with Harley-Davidson to reconsider moving some of its production from the United States to Europe, a move the company said was necessitated by Trump’s trade war.

Trump literally begs Harley-Davidson to reconsider move to Europe

“Harley-Davidson, please — build those beautiful motorcycles in the USA, please, okay? Don’t get cute with us. Don’t get cute,” Trump said. “They don’t realize the taxes are coming way down. They don’t realize that yet. I’ve spent a lot of time with them. Build ’em in the USA. Your customers won’t be happy if you don’t, I’ll tell you that.”

周五,苹果公司宣布,为应对特朗普政府计划对中国商品征收2000亿美元的关税,该公司将提高包括Apple Watch,AirPods和Apple Pencil在内的多种产品的价格。

该公司在致美国贸易代表的一封信中说:“我们对这些关税的关注是,美国将受到最严重的打击,这将导致美国经济增长和竞争力下降以及美国消费者的价格上涨。” “与其他竞争对手相比,关税增加了我们美国业务的成本,转移了我们的资源,并使Apple处于劣势。更广泛地说,关税将导致美国消费者价格上涨,美国整体经济增长下降以及其他意外的经济后果。因此,关税最终会降低我们对美国经济贡献。“

星期六,特朗普总统回应了一条推文,他说这个问题听起来很容易解决问题 - 苹果公司只需将其所有产品转移到美国。

由于我们可能对中国施加的巨额关税,苹果的价格可能会上涨 - 但有一个简单的解决方案,那里会有零税,实际上是税收激励措施,”特朗普推文说。 “让你的产品在美国而不是中国。现在开始建造新工厂。精彩! #MAGA”


苹果首席执行官蒂姆库克在3月份表示,“iPhone不是在美国制造的,这是不正确的。” “我们一直在这里制作零件。人们只看最终产品的组装地点。“



特朗普的贸易战已经引发了通胀压力。正如Business Insider详细介绍的那样,特朗普在1月份宣布对洗衣机征收关税之后,消费者应用的价格大幅提升,此后的许多其他例子都可以引用:

由于美国商务部2月16日提出征收钢铁关税的建议,钢铁价格飙升。根据芝加哥商品交易所集团的数据,美国中西部国内热轧卷钢的成本 - 国内钢材价格的代表 - 从建议之前的694美元跃升至周四的907美元,涨幅达30%......

加拿大木材关税于2017年4月首次实施,并在今年晚些时候推出更多轮次。住房中使用的木材价格已经上涨,并开始向购房者过滤。美国最大的工业集团全国房屋建筑商协会(National Association of Home Builders)4月份警告称,这些关税对建筑商造成了成本压力,并使新房价格更高。


当他没有对受到关税负面影响的美国公司提出过于简单化的建议时,特朗普一直要求他们做他想做的事。在6月的演讲中,特朗普 - 他喜欢吹嘘自己的交易技巧 - 无耻地恳求哈雷戴维森重新考虑将其部分生产从美国转移到欧洲,该公司称此举是特朗普的贸易战所必需的。 。

“请哈利戴维森 - 在美国制造那些漂亮的摩托车,好吗?不要跟我们开心。不要变得可爱,“特朗普说。 “他们没有意识到税收正在下降。他们还没有意识到这一点。我花了很多时间和他们在一起。在美国建立他们。如果你不这样做,你的客户将不会高兴,我会告诉你的。“




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